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A Guide To Understanding Your Periodontal Disease And Treating It Non-Surgically

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If you have been living with significant dental problems in silence for too long or you have been unable to get the dental care that you need for any reason, you may find that your issues have progressed to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the severest form of gum disease and is a leading cause of bone and tooth loss. While there is not yet a cure for it, there are numerous treatment options currently available. Therefore, if you have just found out that you suffer from that unfortunate problem, it is a good idea to be aware of the information provided in the following sections. 

Half Of All People In The United States Age 30 Or Above Have Periodontal Disease

While your first response to learning how far your illness has progressed might be embarrassment, it is important to know that you are not alone. Even with the advances of dental medicine that have occurred in the last few decades, many people avoid going to the dentist as often as they should. Therefore, about half of all adults in the United States who have celebrated their 30th birthday have periodontal disease. It is what the bleeding gums and sensitive teeth progress to, over time.    

Fortunately, you can treat it and consistent oral care can prevent the disease from progressing and causing additional damage. Sadly, it cannot be cured, so you will need to especially observant and particular about your dental and oral care for the rest of your life.  

You Might Not Need Dental Surgery...Or At Least Not Right Away 

The good news about discovering the condition of your mouth, gums, and teeth at this time is that the first step in treating them is rarely surgery. Instead, you may be eligible for a procedure known as scaling and root cleaning. Essentially, scaling and root cleaning is an in-depth, time-consuming professional cleaning of your teeth and root surfaces

It can be a bit painful, particularly if your periodontal disease has already caused your gums to be quite sensitive, so pain medications may be offered. However, scaling works by removing the plaque, tarter and residual build-up, which permits the dentist or oral surgeon to have a better understanding of the appearance of your teeth. Then, rough, cracked, or damaged portions of your teeth that are not due to cavities can be smoothed over, which prevents the bacteria that was present from returning.

If the problem persists, it may be time to discuss more invasive options. One common option for severe periodontal disease is surgery.

In conclusion, periodontal disease affects many people and if it is left untreated can permit your jaw to lose some of its bone, while the loss of your natural teeth is also possible. As a result, if you have found out that you have that illness, you need to be aware of the information discussed above. You can also visit websites like http://www.thefamilydentist-lakeland.com.
