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What Should Patients Know About Dental Implant Dentistry?

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Dental implants are a restorative tool used to replace missing teeth. Patients who undergo dental extractions are encouraged to consider dental implants as a restorative option. Implants can protect your jawbone from erosion and allow you to smile with confidence. Dental implants can also make it easier to enjoy your favorite foods. Here are three things that patients should know about dental implant dentistry: 1. You can choose subperiosteal or mini dental implants.…

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4 Things To Know About Teeth Whitening Services

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Cosmetic dentists can provide a number of services to patients who are unhappy with the aesthetics of their teeth. For instance, they can offer professional teeth whitening treatments that are highly effective. Dentists utilize bleaching solutions formulated with peroxide to lighten the color of a patient’s tooth enamel. While whitening kits are available over-the-counter, cosmetic dentists can provide customized service. Here are four things you should know about teeth whitening.…

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What Do You Need To Know About The Dental Implant Procedure?

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Tooth loss is sometimes unavoidable. Teeth can fall out due to an accident or decay. Sometimes teeth are removed through surgical extraction if it’s in the best interest of the patient’s health. If you’re missing teeth, a dental implant procedure can restore your smile. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement solution. Here are three things you should know about a dental implant procedure: 1. You can have multiple implants placed at the same time.…

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3 Factors That Affect Dental Implant Eligibility

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If you have considered dental implants but are concerned that you won’t be eligible for the procedure, rest assured: implants are one of the most successful and widely-used options for tooth replacement. Here is an overview of three factors that impact the success of dental implants so you can talk to your dentist about whether they’re right for you. 1. Gum and Jawbone Support By far the most important consideration when it comes to dental implant success is the health of your gums and jawbone.…

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3 Surprising Health Benefits Of Dental Bridges

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Missing teeth can make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Whether you have one tooth or several teeth missing, you are likely experiencing several issues. Fortunately, dental bridges can help you correct the issues you are experiencing while providing some surprising health benefits. Understanding what those benefits are may make you feel more inclined to talk to a dentist about dental bridges so you can regain your smile. Improvements to Your Mental Health…

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Considering Veneers? 3 Things To Know

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More than one-third of American adults are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. Your smile is one of the first things that people notice, and if you do not like the way your teeth look, it can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. There are various cosmetic dental procedures that can change the appearance of your teeth and gums. One option, if you are looking for a drastic change, is having dental veneers put into place.…

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Two Key Signs That You Might Need A Root Canal

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When you have a toothache, it sometimes feels as though time is standing still. Talking and eating become painful, and if the discomfort gets too intense, you could find yourself taking time away from work or school because it’s just too uncomfortable for you to fake it anymore. You apply at-home treatments to no avail and may start hoping that the pain will eventually go away. However, something more serious could be going on, and unless you seek professional treatment, the situation could only become worse.…

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Maintaining A Bright Smile In Between Bleachings

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Everyone wants a bright smile, however, cigarette smoking, drinking coffee, tea, and red wine can quickly stain freshly bleached teeth. While professional teeth whitening procedures can make your teeth shades lighter, consuming highly pigmented drinks and foods may re-stain your teeth quickly. Here are some natural remedies to consider in between your professional teeth whitening appointments. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar contains powerful antibacterial properties because it contains acetic acid, which kills bacteria.…

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Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Cavities

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It is important to make sure that you are taking your dental health seriously. One of the most important things to do is to prevent cavities from forming if at all possible. After all, cavities can ruin your teeth and potentially cause dangerous infections if they are not treated right away. To help ensure that you are going to be able to avoid cavities as much as possible, you will want to check out the following tips.…

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When Your Dental Implant Needs Attention

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Dental implants are an amazing example of modern cosmetic dentistry. In most cases, they are meant to last a lifetime and provide patients with a carefree alternative to dentures or bridges. While most people very seldom experience issues with their implant, it’s a good idea to know what might happen and how to handle it when things go wrong. Read on to find out more. Signs That Should Trigger a Phone Call…

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