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Dealing With The Dental Aftermath Of Pan Masala And Gutka Use

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Pan masala is a vastly popular treat in Southeast Asia. After meals, the concoction of betel nuts, acacia extract, slaked lime, and various other herbs and spices is chewed along with an areca nut to freshen the breath and aid digestion. Gutka, pan masala’s adult counterpart, consists of a similar blend of plant matter, but it has the addition of tobacco for those who crave stimulants. If you grew up in Southeast Asia, or spent any length of time there, it’s likely that you’ve chewed plenty of these mixtures, and that the mixtures have left lasting stains on your teeth.…

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4 Amazing Meals You Can Enjoy After Dental Implant Surgery

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When you choose dental implant surgery, the days after the surgery usually involves a lot of pain, discomfort, and healing. To help prevent infection and intense pain, there are lot of different protocols to follow. One of theses includes a special diet that can help reduce pain and swelling. When dental implant surgery causes a strict diet, you can still enjoy a lot of different meals. By preparing the following four meals, you can get through your post-surgery with awesome flavors and savory recipes.…

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How To Make An All Natural Whitening, Remineralizing Toothpaste Your Dentist Will Love

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Are you concerned about all of the chemicals and other unknown ingredients in commercial toothpastes? Yet, you still want a bright white smile and nice, hard, healthy teeth. What is the answer? You can’t stop brushing entirely. That would lead to halitosis, gum disease, and cavities galore the next time you go to the dentist. It won’t make you very popular in your work and social circles, either. The best thing to do is to make your own, all natural toothpaste and use that every day.…

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Missing A Few Teeth? 2 Reasons You Shouldn't Wait To Talk With Your Dentist About Implants

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For some people, losing a tooth or two might not seem like a pressing matter. After all, once that tooth falls out, how much worse could it get? Unfortunately, this thought process prompts many people to wait much longer than they should to seek dental help, which could cause long-term problems. Here are two reasons you shouldn’t wait to talk with your dentist about implants: 1: The Longer You Live Without Teeth, The Harder It Might Be To Get Implants…

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Could Your Family Dentist Save Your Life?

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Most people avoid visiting their family dentist unless they absolutely have to. If you brush and floss, and aren’t suffering from any pain or signs of tooth decay, you don’t really have to see a dentist, do you? If you aren’t getting regular dental checkups, you may want to reconsider. Dentists can actually do a lot more than just take care of your teeth. Your dentist is trained to look for signs in your mouth that could indicate a deeper problem, and in some cases, your family dentist could save your life.…

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Are You Ever Too Old For Braces?

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Whether you’ve always felt self-conscious about a crooked smile, or are just starting to notice that your teeth seem a little less straight than they may have previously been, you might be investigating your options for a straighter, brighter smile with someone like Randolph S. Moore DMD. However, the idea of a full mouth of metal braces (or even a less obtrusive retainer) could send you straight into flashbacks of middle school.…

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4 Surprising Natural Remedies That Help Prevent And Treat Gum Disease

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Did you know that almost half of American adults over 30 suffer from some degree of periodontal disease? With such a high rate of gum disease, it’s almost a sure thing that you or someone that you know will be affected at some point. Luckily, gum disease is reversible. In addition to all of the obvious things that you should be doing to protect your gums, like brushing your teeth several times a day, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly, there are some natural remedies that you can use that will help protect your gums from periodontal disease and help reverse the damage if your gums are already unhealthy.…

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Teeth Veneers: Choosing The Perfect Shade And Shape For You

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Now that you have finally decided to get the dental veneers you have always wanted, you still have a few decisions left to make. Dental veneers are not one-size-fits-all, and that is one feature that is great about them. While the end goal is to have a great-looking set of teeth, the shape and shade of veneers that looks best on one person may not look the best on another. While your dentist will help guide you in your final choices, it is great to already have an idea of how you want your veneers to look before you and your dentist collaborate.…

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Chemotherapy And Your Oral Health

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A cancer diagnosis is always scary and overwhelming. No matter what type of cancer you have, you are suddenly thrust into a new world, filled with words that you never knew existed, procedures that you hadn’t heard of before, and routines that you wouldn’t have imagined yourself following in the months prior to your diagnosis. One aspect of your self-care that might seem minor in comparison is your oral hygiene routine.…

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5 Ways Sleeping With Dentures Threatens Your Health

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Your new dentures fill out your lip line again and give you the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods. No matter how much you love those new partial or full dentures made just for you, it’s best to remove them before you go to bed each night. Sleeping with your dentures in can create five specific problems that threaten your overall health. Shrinking Jaw Bones The jaw bone hidden below the gums slowly recedes and shrinks as you grow older.…

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