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How Do You Tell If A Broken Tooth Is A Dental Emergency?

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People break teeth quite often. Sometimes, this is a problem you can wait and have addressed by your dentist a few days after the event. Other times, a broken tooth is more of an emergency—a reason to seek care from an emergency dentist, regardless of what time of day it is. How do you know the difference? Well, the following are signs when you should contact an emergency dentist about your broken tooth.…

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3 Factors Dentists Consider When Assessing Patients For Implant Installation

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Every child loses deciduous teeth at some point, which is nothing much to worry about. However, once you get your permanent teeth, it is crucial to maintain them so they don’t fall off. Sadly, various issues can cause tooth loss, leaving you with gaps in your mouth. Living with these gaps for too long has various consequences, such as receding gums, shifting teeth, and appearance issues.  It is advisable to consider tooth replacement procedures to prevent these consequences.…

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What To Expect When Having Wisdom Teeth Extracted

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Having wisdom teeth extracted can be one of the major dental procedures that you may have to go through during your life. Not surprisingly, individuals that are needing to have their wisdom teeth extracted may feel uncomfortable with scheduling this procedure until they learn more about the need for this extraction and what the procedure and recovery will involve. Will A Patient Only Need To Have Their Wisdom Teeth Removed If They Are Experiencing Pain?…

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Top 3 Culprits Behind Toothaches And Ways To Curb Them

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In many cases, a toothache comes about when you least expect it and is characterized by sharp pain and distress. While there is a common perception that physical signs precede a toothache, this is not always the case. Sometimes, even with regular visits to the dentist, you may find yourself nursing a toothache. Here are some underlying issues that could lead to toothaches and how to counter them: Tooth Cavities…

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Can Tooth Decay Spread To Other Teeth And Other People?

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Tooth decay happens when a cavity forms in a tooth and tooth decay-causing bacteria enter the cavity and accelerate the damage. Once inside a cavity, oral bacteria can spread and multiply. But can the oral bacteria that cause tooth decay spread to surrounding teeth or even other people? Bad oral bacteria can spread to other people, especially children It is possible for the worst strains of oral bacteria to spread to other people.…

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Got Mouth Sores? Signs You Need To See A Dentist

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If you’re like most people, you might think that dentists are only for tooth and gum problems. But, they’re for more than that. Dentists are also an important tool in fighting oral cancers. That’s why you should see your dentist when you have issues with mouth sores. Two types of common mouth sores include canker sores and cold sores. Those types of sores can develop quite often. But, there are also sores that are associated with oral cancer.…

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3 Ways Dental Crowns Save Money In The Long Run

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Most people with damaged teeth often consider dental crowns an unnecessary expense. However, installing a dental crown can help you save hundreds if not thousands of dollars.  Here are three ways a dental crown can help you save money in the long run.  1. Alleviating the Need for Dental Implants  The main benefit of getting a dental crown installed on a damaged tooth is to avoid losing the tooth. For instance, if you have a cracked tooth, a dental crown prevents the crack from expanding when you chew hard foods.…

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Gum Disease And How A Dentist In Your Area Can Treat This Common Issue

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How can a dentist in your area help you to treat gum disease—and prevent a potential recurrence of periodontitis? Forty-six percent of American adults ages 30 and up have some signs of gum disease, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Take a look at what you need to know about this common issue, the in-office treatment options, and routine gum healthcare. Should You Treat Minor Gum Issues?…

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Why Is Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Therapy An Effective Choice?

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If you take care of your teeth, you’re likely used to visiting your dentist’s office every six months for a checkup. However, your dentist can do more than simply clean your teeth and fill cavities. Dentists can also help patients treat their sleep apnea through a method called oral appliance therapy. Oral appliance therapy uses custom-fitted mouthpieces to manipulate the position of a person’s tongue and jaw while they sleep. This can keep a person’s airway open to treat the cause of obstructive sleep apnea.…

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What To Know About Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste

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Do you have sensitive teeth, and are wondering if you should start using sensitive teeth toothpaste? If so, you’re likely wondering how this toothpaste works and if it is worth it. Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste Works For Cold Sensitivity People have sensitive teeth for a variety of reasons. They may be extremely sensitive when they visit the dentist and have their teeth cleaned, or experience discomfort when they are eating their favorite food or beverage.…

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