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4 Pieces Of Information That You Should Know About Dental Implant Surgery

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If you’ve decided to have dental implants put in to fill spaces where teeth are missing, dental implant surgery will need to be performed to complete the process. You should know what to expect with dental implant surgery so that you can prepare properly and get through your surgery and recovery easier. Here are a few key facts that will help shed more light on what to expect during and after dental implant surgery.…

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Why Missing Teeth Should Be Replaced With Dental Implants

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If you are missing some of your teeth, then you need to have them replaced. Leaving your teeth missing can cause problems for you in a number of ways. You can learn about some issues a lack of teeth can pose and the reasons why dental implants are often considered the best replacement in this article.  Problems a lack of teeth can cause One of the problems about lacking teeth can cause is the deterioration of your bones.…

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Don't Ruin Your Holidays: Why Visit The Dentist Before Leaving On Vacation

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If you’re busy making plans to travel during the holidays, the first thing you need to do is schedule an appointment with your family dentist. The last thing you want is to have your holiday fun interrupted by dental problems. Luckily, you can reduce that risk by sitting down for an end-of-the-year dental examination. If you’re not sure that you need to visit your dentist before you leave for your holiday vacation, read the information provided here.…

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Everything To Know About Teeth Whitening

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There are many dental cosmetic procedures that can improve the quality of your smile. Many are expensive, but teeth whitening is an affordable choice that can give you a beautiful smile. If you would like to know more, keep reading. How Does Teeth Whitening Work? Teeth whitening is often referred to as teeth bleaching, but there is no actual bleach involved. Teeth whitening products typically use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.…

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Why Are Your New Upper Dentures Triggering Your Gag Reflex?

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There can be a sense of relief when your new upper partial dentures are fitted. Finally, those missing teeth have been replaced, and the range of food you can safely eat has suddenly expanded. Your upper jaw may feel a little odd for a brief period, but this is simply the muscles and tendons that operate your jaw growing accustomed to this new addition to your upper dental arch. This odd feeling will quickly pass.…

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How Implant-Based Restorations Are Similar To Natural Teeth

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If you have lost a tooth, your dentist may use a dental implant as the foundation for your tooth-replacement. The implant, which is a small, titanium rod-like device is placed in your jawbone to replace the roots of your missing tooth. After the dental implant is in position, and the resulting wound has healed properly, the dentist applies a connector and a dental crown to complete the restorative process. A dental implant-based tooth restoration looks and performs like a natural tooth.…

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Specialized Services Often Offered By Pediatric Dentists

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Most general dentists do treat children, even though they do not specialize in this age group. However, pediatric dentists only treat children. They have more specialized training and experience in this regard. As such, they typically offer a number of services that most general dentists don’t provide. Here’s a look at some of those services. Sealants Sealants are basically pieces of plastic that are fitted into a molar’s chewing surface. Sealant begins in a liquid form.…

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6 Main Steps Involved In A Dental Implant Procedure

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Did you know that about 3 million Americans have dental implants? If your doctor recommends a dental implant procedure, you shouldn’t be worried. The surgery is considered the most effective way of replacing missing or damaged teeth. Although the procedure is outpatient, it is performed in stages. Here are the six main steps that you should know: 1. Removing Damaged Tooth If you don’t have missing teeth, then they could be damaged.…

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How Would You Know If Your Invisalign Aligner Has Been Damaged?

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You might have heard that you’re expected to wear your Invisalign aligners for the vast majority of the day. But how long is this exactly? Unless otherwise directed, this amounts to anywhere between 20 to 22 hours per day. Those two to four hours per day when you’re not wearing the aligners are essentially just for eating, and yet that brief period of time when the aligners are out of your mouth can be the danger zone, when you’re most likely to accidentally damage your aligners.…

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What Should Patients Know About Dental Implant Dentistry?

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Dental implants are a restorative tool used to replace missing teeth. Patients who undergo dental extractions are encouraged to consider dental implants as a restorative option. Implants can protect your jawbone from erosion and allow you to smile with confidence. Dental implants can also make it easier to enjoy your favorite foods. Here are three things that patients should know about dental implant dentistry: 1. You can choose subperiosteal or mini dental implants.…

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