Dental implants take time and money to create and install. You want that implant to last as long as possible. The bad news is that it is possible to damage or destroy the implant if you’re not careful, but the good news is that it is very easy to protect the implant.
Address New Stress
Any new stress in your life needs to be addressed quickly. If you start clenching your teeth or grinding them in your sleep, you could damage the implant.…
Plenty of people eat healthy foods every day as a way of improving their dental health. Unfortunately, some of these foods may be staining your teeth and causing people to avoid you. Thankfully, cosmetic dental procedures can help with this problem.
Yes, Some Healthy Foods Are Staining
It may be surprising to know but many healthy foods can actually stain your teeth. That’s because these foods have coloring or nutrients that cause a yellowing of the teeth.…
Taking care of a toddler’s teeth can be challenging. They are at that age where they start wanting to exert their independence and start doing things on their own, such as dressing themselves and taking care of their own teeth. However, they are still so young that they really do still need your assistance with these things, especially when it comes to their dental care. This article will offer you tips and advice on taking care of your toddler’s teeth, so you can avoid ending up dealing with issues like cavities.…