3 Ways To Save Money When You Need Dental Care

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Paying for dental work can often be a major burden for many individuals, mostly because the price of dental care can be quite expensive. However, there are various ways to save money when you need dental care, such as the three listed below. Negotiate With Your Dentist One of the easiest ways to save money when you need dental care is to negotiate with your dentist or your dentist’s office, mostly because the price of your dental work is not always set in stone.…

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5 Tips for Going to the Dentist After a Long Absence

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Whether you have a fear of going to the dentist, spent a few years without dental insurance, or simply procrastinated, when you haven’t been to the dentist in years it can be scary to make that initial appointment. It’s important to keep in mind that no matter how long you’ve gone in between cleanings, your dentist has probably seen much worse and will simply be happy you’ve finally come in. The sooner you make that appointment, the sooner you can have any potential issues diagnosed.…

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When Your Grin Is Too Toothy: Causes And Treatment For Gum Recession

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Receding gums can affect the appearance of your smile and sensitivity of your teeth. When your gums recede, the root of the tooth – which is not protected by hard enamel – becomes exposed. If you have noticed increased tooth sensitivity near your gum line, it’s important to talk to your dentist. They can help discover the cause of your receding gums and hopefully help you stop the recession before it gets worse.…

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