Halitosis & Vegetarians: Causes & Solutions

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Experts estimate that bad breath is a problem for around 65% of Americans. While the symptoms can vary in strength, 40 million of these people have chronic bad breath. Various things can cause halitosis, but food and dietary habits are often the root of the problem. Find out why vegetarians are sometimes at higher risk of halitosis, and find out what you need to do to deal with the issue.…

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How a Humidifier Might Relieve Your Toothaches

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A chronic dry mouth condition can be frustrating at best and uncomfortable at worst. A lot of unpleasant symptoms arise from dry mouth, but did you know that your frequent toothaches could also be the result of dry mouth syndrome? Because of the symptoms of dry mouth, it is easy to develop a toothache. But a proactive step you can take at home to relieve your pain is as simple as plugging in a humidifier.…

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Haunted By Ghost Teeth? Find Out How Your Dentist Can Help

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Ghost teeth is a rare condition that affects the structure and appearance of a tooth. The scientific name for the condition is regional odontodysplasia. Although few people get this disease, the symptoms can present a serious dental challenge for patients, and dentists will often need to put in place a comprehensive treatment plan. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of regional odontodysplasia, and find out what treatment you should expect.…

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