If you have been living with significant dental problems in silence for too long or you have been unable to get the dental care that you need for any reason, you may find that your issues have progressed to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the severest form of gum disease and is a leading cause of bone and tooth loss. While there is not yet a cure for it, there are numerous treatment options currently available.…
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Veneers can be one of the simplest ways to give your smile a nearly instant makeover. These porcelain covers can hide many imperfections, from discoloration to minor gaps or tooth size issues. You need to be aware of the following mistakes, though, to ensure your veneers say as attractive as possible.
#1: Assuming they are the only necessary fix
Veneers can fix a lot of issues in your mouth, but they won’t solve everything.…
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If you have a tooth knocked out, have had one rot or have had one pulled by the dentist, then you don’t want to go very long before replacing it. Otherwise, the way you look, chew and even enunciate words will be negatively affected. Dental implants are an amazing method of tooth replacement.
A dental implant will help you retain your true look
Missing teeth can not only change the look of your smile, but they can also cause the rest of the lower portion of your face to look different.…
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