How To Make An All Natural Whitening, Remineralizing Toothpaste Your Dentist Will Love

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Are you concerned about all of the chemicals and other unknown ingredients in commercial toothpastes? Yet, you still want a bright white smile and nice, hard, healthy teeth. What is the answer? You can’t stop brushing entirely. That would lead to halitosis, gum disease, and cavities galore the next time you go to the dentist. It won’t make you very popular in your work and social circles, either. The best thing to do is to make your own, all natural toothpaste and use that every day.…

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Missing A Few Teeth? 2 Reasons You Shouldn't Wait To Talk With Your Dentist About Implants

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For some people, losing a tooth or two might not seem like a pressing matter. After all, once that tooth falls out, how much worse could it get? Unfortunately, this thought process prompts many people to wait much longer than they should to seek dental help, which could cause long-term problems. Here are two reasons you shouldn’t wait to talk with your dentist about implants: 1: The Longer You Live Without Teeth, The Harder It Might Be To Get Implants…

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Could Your Family Dentist Save Your Life?

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Most people avoid visiting their family dentist unless they absolutely have to. If you brush and floss, and aren’t suffering from any pain or signs of tooth decay, you don’t really have to see a dentist, do you? If you aren’t getting regular dental checkups, you may want to reconsider. Dentists can actually do a lot more than just take care of your teeth. Your dentist is trained to look for signs in your mouth that could indicate a deeper problem, and in some cases, your family dentist could save your life.…

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