Choosing Dental Implants To Keep Gums Healthy After Tooth Removal

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You are likely to have some oral health problems as you age.  The extent of these issues depends on how well you take care of your teeth and how often you see your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.  Good nutrition is also important if you want to maintain your teeth.  If you have generally ignored your teeth and gums, then your dentist may need to remove several of your teeth due to serious levels of decay.…

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Dealing With The Dental Aftermath Of Pan Masala And Gutka Use

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Pan masala is a vastly popular treat in Southeast Asia. After meals, the concoction of betel nuts, acacia extract, slaked lime, and various other herbs and spices is chewed along with an areca nut to freshen the breath and aid digestion. Gutka, pan masala’s adult counterpart, consists of a similar blend of plant matter, but it has the addition of tobacco for those who crave stimulants. If you grew up in Southeast Asia, or spent any length of time there, it’s likely that you’ve chewed plenty of these mixtures, and that the mixtures have left lasting stains on your teeth.…

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4 Amazing Meals You Can Enjoy After Dental Implant Surgery

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When you choose dental implant surgery, the days after the surgery usually involves a lot of pain, discomfort, and healing. To help prevent infection and intense pain, there are lot of different protocols to follow. One of theses includes a special diet that can help reduce pain and swelling. When dental implant surgery causes a strict diet, you can still enjoy a lot of different meals. By preparing the following four meals, you can get through your post-surgery with awesome flavors and savory recipes.…

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