What To Expect When Having Wisdom Teeth Extracted

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Having wisdom teeth extracted can be one of the major dental procedures that you may have to go through during your life. Not surprisingly, individuals that are needing to have their wisdom teeth extracted may feel uncomfortable with scheduling this procedure until they learn more about the need for this extraction and what the procedure and recovery will involve. Will A Patient Only Need To Have Their Wisdom Teeth Removed If They Are Experiencing Pain?…

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Top 3 Culprits Behind Toothaches And Ways To Curb Them

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In many cases, a toothache comes about when you least expect it and is characterized by sharp pain and distress. While there is a common perception that physical signs precede a toothache, this is not always the case. Sometimes, even with regular visits to the dentist, you may find yourself nursing a toothache. Here are some underlying issues that could lead to toothaches and how to counter them: Tooth Cavities…

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Can Tooth Decay Spread To Other Teeth And Other People?

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Tooth decay happens when a cavity forms in a tooth and tooth decay-causing bacteria enter the cavity and accelerate the damage. Once inside a cavity, oral bacteria can spread and multiply. But can the oral bacteria that cause tooth decay spread to surrounding teeth or even other people? Bad oral bacteria can spread to other people, especially children It is possible for the worst strains of oral bacteria to spread to other people.…

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