Tips For Handling A Child's Dental Emergency Without Losing Your Head

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All parents fear bad things happening to their children, so you are not alone when these fears and concerns creep in to your life. When your little one has a dental emergency, you may be tempted to freak out as much as they are. However, it is very important that you stay calm on the outside and try to restore calm inside as you handle the emergency. The good news is that emergency dental services are available any time of day, so follow these tips to handle the problem.…

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Getting Ready For Summer Sporting Activities? Three Steps To Protect And Care For Your Teeth

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Summer will be here soon. Time for you to head outside and enjoy those warm-weather activities. If sports are in your summertime future, it’s also time to think about your teeth – not just your semi-annual dental visits. You might not realize this, but your teeth are in danger each time you participate in sporting activities. Things like falls and hits to the face – from balls, elbows, or other objects – can knock out or damage a tooth.…

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Dentures 101: 3 Telltale Signs You Need A New Pair

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If you have dentures, you probably think that they will last forever. Unfortunately, over time dentures may need to be replaced. Even with proper care, dentures may begin to deteriorate or become misshapen. In addition, your mouth and jaw may change shape, causing your dentures to fit poorly. So how do you know it’s time to replace your dentures? Here are three telltale signs: 1. You’re Constantly Using Adhesive If you are constantly using adhesive to keep your dentures in place, it might be time for a new pair.…

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